Lights Lowering in the Kitchen When Turning on the Microwave

Lights Lowering in the Kitchen When Turning on the Microwave – Let’s Take An Analysis!

Experiencing a noticeable dip in lighting in your kitchen every time you turn on the microwave can be puzzling and concerning. 

The reasons behind light lowering in the Kitchen When Turning on the Microwave are Circuit Overload, Voltage Fluctuations,  Wiring Issues, and Microwave Condition.

In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this issue, how to resolve it, and answer common questions related to it. So, stick with us till the end!

Reasons Why Lights Lower in the Kitchen When Turning on the Microwave? – Must See One By One!

One Of The Primary Reasons Is Voltage Fluctuations:

  • Voltage fluctuations occur when there is a temporary change in the electrical supply’s voltage level. 
  • Therefore, when you turn on the microwave, it draws a significant amount of power, causing a momentary dip in voltage on the circuit.

Another Main Cause Is Shared Circuit:

Moreover, The kitchen lights and microwave may share the same electrical circuit. This means they both draw power from the same source. 

So, when the microwave starts, it consumes a considerable amount of electricity, leading to a drop in voltage that affects the lights.

Also, Wiring Issues:

  • Further moving on, Wiring problems, such as damaged or frayed wires, loose connections, or corroded terminals, can disrupt the flow of electricity. 
  • That’s why Faulty wiring disrupts the smooth delivery of power to appliances and lights.

Circuit Overload Will Also Be The Reason:

Now, if your kitchen’s electrical circuit is already operating near its maximum capacity, adding the power-hungry microwave can push it beyond its limits. Also remember that overloaded circuit can also cause explosion of microwave.

Circuit Overload
Source: wirechiefelectric

Circuit breakers may trip, or lights may dim as a result.

Lastly, Microwave’s Age and Condition:

  • In the end, Older microwaves or those in poor condition may draw more power than newer, energy-efficient models. 
  • This can exacerbate the voltage drop issue when the microwave operates.

So, these are the main reasons why the light is Lower in the Kitchen When Turning on the Microwave. Sometimes, the microwave may make a buzzing noise. To get more information, read the data we linked here. If you want to go more in-depth, read the data from Forum. Now, we are going to fix that problem; read Attentively!

How to Fix Lights Lowering in the Kitchen When Turning on the Microwave? – Read My Experience!

1.Dedicated Circuit Installation:

  • Firstly, I installed a dedicated circuit for the microwave, which involved creating a separate electrical pathway from the main electrical panel to the microwave. 
  • This ensures that my microwave operates independently without affecting other appliances or lights. 
  • It may require running new wiring and adding a dedicated circuit breaker to the electrical panel. 
  • A licensed electrician can assess your kitchen’s electrical layout and determine if this solution is feasible.

2. Electrical System Evaluation:

Moreover, When you engage a professional electrician to evaluate your kitchen’s electrical system, they will conduct a thorough inspection. 

This inspection includes checking for damaged or aging wiring, loose connections, and overloaded circuits. Based on their findings, they will recommend necessary repairs or upgrades. 

This may involve rewiring specific areas, replacing faulty components, or redistributing electrical loads to ensure balanced usage.

3. Use LED Lighting:

  • Further moving on, Transitioning to LED lighting involves replacing existing incandescent or halogen bulbs with LED bulbs or fixtures.
  • This lighting is not only energy-efficient but also stronger due to voltage fluctuations. 
  • These bulbs are also available in various shapes and sizes to fit your existing fixtures. 
  • This solution reduced the impact of voltage dips on my kitchen’s lighting, ensuring a more stable and consistent illumination.
Use LED Lighting to fix lights lowering
Source: factorled

4. Limit Microwave Usage Concurrently:

To reduce simultaneous power demand during microwave operation, coordinate your appliance usage. 

For example, I avoided running the dishwasher, toaster, or other high-power appliances at the same time as the microwave. 

I Planned my kitchen activities to stagger appliance use, which will help prevent excessive voltage drops and minimize lighting disruptions.

5. Upgrade Your Microwave:

  • I Upgraded to a more energy-efficient microwave model, which can mitigate the voltage drop issue. 
  • Newer microwaves are designed to be more power-efficient while delivering the same cooking performance. Remember that otherwise microwave can also electrocute you.
  • Therefore, When choosing a microwave, look for models with lower wattage ratings, as they draw less power from the electrical circuit, resulting in milder voltage fluctuations.

6. Consult a Professional:

Lastly, Consulting a qualified electrician is essential for addressing complex electrical issues. 

They will diagnose the problem and provide expert solutions tailored to your kitchen’s electrical setup. 

microwave professional to diagnose the problem
Source: flaticon

Depending on the specific issues identified, they may conduct repairs, perform rewiring, or recommend circuit upgrades to ensure a safe and efficient electrical system in your kitchen.

Here we go! Now, I am sure that you can fix your microwave by yourself. To get more information, Read Quora. Let’s discuss precautions to avoid this problem!

How to Prevent  Lights Lower in the Kitchen When Turning on the Microwave in the Future? – Must Read This Part!

To avoid this problem, You should follow these points:

  • When replacing appliances, I always choose energy-efficient models that consume less power, reducing the risk of voltage drops during operation.
  • Furthermore, Schedule periodic electrical inspections and maintenance to identify and address wiring issues, loose connections, or overloaded circuits before they become problematic.
  • Moreover, I Install surge protectors or uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for sensitive electronic devices and appliances to safeguard them from voltage fluctuations.
  • You should continue using LED lighting or transition to LED bulbs for better resilience against voltage fluctuations and improved energy efficiency.
  • I also planned appliance usage to avoid running high-power devices concurrently. Stagger usage to minimize sudden power demand.
  • Also, Inform family members or household residents about the issue and encourage them to follow best practices in appliance usage to reduce strain on the electrical system.

Follow these instructions to keep your microwave healthier! Let’s discuss some related questions to make the debate more understandable!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it dangerous if my kitchen lights dim when I use the microwave?

No, While it’s not inherently dangerous, frequent and significant voltage fluctuations can stress your electrical system and should be addressed to prevent potential issues.

Can I fix this issue by simply changing the microwave’s power setting? 

Adjusting the microwave’s power setting might reduce the severity of the voltage drop, but it won’t eliminate the underlying electrical issue. Consulting an electrician is recommended for a lasting solution.

How much does it cost to install a dedicated circuit for the microwave? 

The cost of installing a dedicated circuit can vary depending on your location and the complexity of the electrical work. It’s best to obtain quotes from qualified electricians for an accurate estimate.

Can using extension cords or power strips alleviate the issue of light dimming when I use the microwave? 

While extension cords and power strips can be convenient for adding outlets, they may not fully address the issue of light dimming during microwave operation. 

What should I do if the voltage drops result in other electrical issues in my home? 

If you experience voltage-related problems beyond kitchen lighting, such as frequently tripped circuit breakers, consult an electrician immediately to assess and rectify the electrical system’s issues.


Now, I am confident that you know that,

The reasons behind the light lowering in the Kitchen When Turning on the Microwave are Circuit Overload, Voltage Fluctuations,  Wiring Issues, and Microwave Condition.

We hope this article is helpful for you! Also, keep in mind to watch the videos and read the data we linked above!

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